PurePro® Far Infra-Red Filter :
Fra Infra-Red Filter (AIFIR) :
The effect of Far-infra-red rays on our human body are as follows:
。Activates water molecules in our body
。Improve oxygen level in our body
。Warming and eliminating fats, chemicals and toxins from blood and thus smoothening the flow of blood.
。Elimination of other waste from human body
。Reducing the acidic level in our body
。Nervous system functionality improvement.
(PurePro® Far-Infrared Filter)
。Diameter: 53mm
。Length: 254mm
。Max. flow rate: 250
。Max. pressure: 6bar
。Max. temperature: 51oC
。Capacity: 6000
Far-infra-red are also used in:
。Prevention of bacteria growth
。Relieving of pain
。Softening of hard water
。Eliminating bad odor in water
。Purification of air
。Strengthening and health improvement
。Speeding up repair of body cells
。Balancing of acid level in our body
。Normalization of blood cholesterol
。Preventing mould
。Enhancing and maintain freshness
。Helping plants to grow better